The CAIR Washington Team (from left to right): Executive Director Imraan Siddiqi, Deputy Executive Director Amanda Azad, Community Organizer Ayoub Ahmed, Director of Operations and Philanthropy Noor AlSaleh, Community Outreach Fellow Aydin Anwar, Media Coordinator Mariam Badr, Community Organizer Seemab Hussaini, Legal Program Administrator Jim Maher, Policy Associate Najma Osman, Immigrant Rights Administrator Angelique Rodriguez, Civil Rights Attorney Luis Segura, and Senior Communications and Marketing Strategist Katie Walker.
Your Zakat-Eligible, Tax-Deductible Donation Will Ensure That the Only Muslim Organization Offering Direct Legal Services in WA State Will Be There To Protect Our Community’s Rights for Years To Come
Over the past year, we have seen our local communities come together to stand up against rising global Islamophobia. After ongoing attacks against Palestinians in Palestine, CAIR-WA recently won the right of two artists to display their art which read “Remember Palestine” after initially being prohibited from displaying their work. While students were being banned from wearing the hijab at school in India, local Indian-Americans held a protest in solidarity. As the U.S. evacuated Afghanistan, Washington's organizations including CAIR-WA work around the clock to re-settle Afghan refugees into new homes. Close to home, attacks against masajid remind us of the need for strong institutions backing our resilient communities. During the holy month of Ramadan, we’re asking you to please make a gift in support of CAIR Washington. Your support means we can continue doing the important work of combating Islamophobia and uplifting the Muslim community in Washington state.
As an organization dedicated to defending the rights of Muslims and to promote better understanding of Islam, CAIR Washington is eligible to receive part of the Zakat funds for its programs and services. We urge Muslims in Washington to support this organization through their donations, general charity, and through their Zakat.
Redmond Lights Art Structure
In December 2021, Redmond city officials asked artists Omar Sourour and Amal Khalaf to remove only the word “Palestine” from a light sculpture created for the annual Redmond Lights event. Community members, CAIR-WA, and other advocates got involved: Once CAIR-WA outlined exactly how the government had infringed upon the artists’ rights to free speech and expression, City officials reversed the decision and contacted the artists, who restored the artwork.
Muslim Day at the Capitol: MDAC 2021
In the 2021 Washington legislative session, our policy team advocated on issues impacting our community like Police Oversight and Accountability (SB 5051), the Licensing of International Medical Graduates (HB 1129), and the closing of private, for-profit detention facilities in our state (HB 1090). We also helped kill the corporate-friendly “data privacy” bill that put Muslims, immigrants, and other marginalized groups at-risk (SB 5062).
Helping At-Risk Afghans
In August, as the 20-year occupation of Afghanistan came to an end, thousands of Afghans – many with connections to Washington state – were left vulnerable. In response, our team at CAIR-WA, along with Washington Immigrant Defense Network (WIDEN), organized a program that trained over 850 pro-bono attorneys to help process applications. We have since launched a legal clinic to help Afghans apply for humanitarian parole and long-term status in the U.S.
JOIN LIVE: "Acting Locally, Thinking Globally" Featuring Mahmoud Abdul-Rauf and Suhaib Webb
Join CAIR Washington at our Ramadan 2022 event featuring guest speakers Mahmoud Abdul-Rauf and Suhaib Webb. Twenty years before Colin Kaepernick, it was American pro basketball player Mahmoud Abdul-Rauf who protested the national anthem. Abdul-Rauf will discuss his fight for racial justice. Imam Suhaib Webb, who is a nationally influential faith leader, will speak on the importance of the last 10 nights of Ramadan. We will also discuss CAIR-WA’s policy and advocacy projects; like free speech in Redmond, our work on immigrant justice, Muslim Day at The Capitol, and more! Hear from CAIR-WA’s Community Organizers about how we’re working to engage communities around Washington state. Meet our 2022 Youth Advisory Committee Members and find out what CAIR-WA’s work means to them.
In today's highly connected world, what happens on the global stage affects our local communities, and what we do for our local communities can have a global impact.
Please tune in—your attendance supports CAIR-WA’s vital work AND your communities. Consider giving a gift this Ramadan to an organization that acts locally and thinks globally.

Donations to CAIR-WA are both tax-deductible and Zakat eligible. Your Zakat contributions are directly applied towards civil-rights services.

Become a Champion of Justice (monthly donor)
Keep your good deeds growing by sustaining our work with a monthly donation. Select the recurring donation option when you click "donate".
Make a One-Time Donation
Can't commit to monthly donation yet? No problem! Make a One-Time donation. Every bit helps!
Donate Stock to CAIR Washington
We welcome stock donations. Please email our Senior Programs & Operations Manager, Noor AlSaleh, at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. about transferring stocks.
Employer Match
Many corporations offer matching gifts that can double donations made by employees. For help with employer match, email our Senior Programs & Operations Manager, Noor AlSaleh, at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..