Arab American Community Coalition of Washington State
Formed by concerned members of the Arab American community after 9/11, the AACC and CAIR WA share similar concerns about addressing racial/ religious profiling of Arab and Muslim Americans. We have worked together on anti-profiling efforts through the Japanese American Citizens League, and always look for ways to support each other’s efforts to make the Arab and Muslim American communities safe.
The Church Council of Greater Seattle
The Church Council of Greater Seattle is a prominent leader in the Christian and interfaith communities on issues of social justice, and has worked with CAIR-WA on a variety of concerns. The Church Council and CAIR-WA have partnered on supporting port truckers’ rights in Seattle (through Puget Sound Sage’s efforts), collaborating on Interfaith Advocacy Day, as well as Executive Director of the Council, Michael Ramos, speaking out against the Rep. King hearings in spring 2011. These, along with many other collaborative efforts have made CAIR-WA and the Church Council partners in interfaith justice.
American Civil Liberties Union
The local chapter of the ACLU has been an incredible ally for CAIR WA. CAIR-WA and the ACLU have worked on civil rights cases together, with the ACLU frequently taking on cases of violations and discrimination. Additionally, as the ACLU proactively works for legislation that protect civil liberties, and opposes that that does not, CAIR WA stands in support of the ACLU. Most recently, this has included CAIR WA supporting the ACLU in opposition to the Washington state Attorney General’s proposed HB 1126. Additionally, ACLU spoke out against the Rep. King hearings recently.
Japanese American Citizen League
JACL Pacific Northwest and its Seattle chapter have worked closely with CAIR WA on fighting racial profiling through community forums, educating on the parallels between the discrimination of the Japanese Americans and American Muslims, and uniting youth of color to reflect on their identities and work for a more just future.
The Lutheran Public Policy Office
The LPPO and CAIR WA have frequently worked as partners on issues of social justice legislation. LPPO is an active and visible force for change in Washington state politics, and has collaborated with CAIR WA on Interfaith Advocacy Day, has worked in collaboration with The Church Council, Puget Sound Sage and other organizations to support port truckers, and with the ACLU on various legislation. CAIR WA seeks to work further with LPPO for fair laws in Washington and to energize Christian and Muslim communities to be civically engaged.
The Middle Eastern Legal Association of Washington
MELAW takes many referrals from CAIR WA clients to connect them to pro bono attorneys of Middle Eastern descent. MELAW has helped numerous CAIR WA clients and we look forward to strengthening our partnership to more community education about the help available through the talented pool of attorneys participating in MELAW.
One America
Somewhat similarly to the Arab American Community Coalition, OneAmerica formerly Hate Free Zone) began in the wake of anti-Arab and Muslim sentiment following 9/11. Since then OneAmerica has evolved into a multi issue organization, particularly focusing on civil rights, immigrant rights and immigration reform, and civic engagement of minority communities. CAIR WA and OneAmerica have held candidate forums, hosted the Director Of Civil Rights and Civil Liberties for the Department of Homeland security, and worked together on the Washington Immigrant Rights Coalition. OneAmerica has been and continues to be a strong ally for CAIR WA and we look forward to supporting comprehensive immigration reform and other important issues that OneAmerica works on.
Puget Sound Sage
A prominent advocate for laborers and working families, Puget Sound Sage has been another valuable ally for CAIR WA. Puget Sound Sage brings together faith, labor, and community leaders to work for economic justice. CAIR WA and Puget Sound Sage have collaborated on various pieces of legislation, most recently relating to truckers at the Port of Seattle and airport workers at SeaTac Airport. Puget Sound Sage continues to be a strong ally of CAIR WA’s work, and we look forward to supporting one another’s initiatives in the future.
UFCW Local 21
Washington Association of Churches
Another strong interfaith ally of CAIR WA has been the Washington Association of Churches (the WAC). The WAC is politically active and frequently mobilizes its members on issues of social concern. CAIR WA and the WAC worked together on the Interfaith Advocacy Day this year, as well as supporting one another on issues of common concern, and having Executive Director, Alice Woldt speak out against the Rep. King hearings in the Spring.
Washington Community Action Network
(WA CAN) is a vocal advocate for ensuring real democracy in Washington state. WA CAN works on issues of economic justice, health care, immigrant rights, racial justice, and small businesses. WA CAN and CAIR WA have spoken out together against racial profiling and rallied together in Olympia on Martin Luther King Jr. day this year. Additionally, WA CAN came out to support CAIR WA in speaking out against the Rep. King hearings. We look forward to continuing our work together to make Washington a more fair and equal state for all.
East African Community Services
A prominent organization in the East African community in Seattle, East African Community Services (EACS) has provided resources to CAIR WA’s clientele of East African descent and CAIR WA gave a Know Your Rights presentation, including a Know Your Rights video in Somali. CAIR WA seeks to support the work on EACS in educating the Muslim East African community about their rights and the resources available to the community.
The Intercommunity Peace and Justice Center
The IPJC is “sponsored by sixteen religious communities and collaborates with Catholic, ecumenical, interfaith and other organizations in carrying out this mission” and works for social justice domestically and abroad. CAIR WA co-sponsored IPJC’s interfaith women’s conference this spring and IPJC’s Executive Director, Sister Linda Haydock, came to speak at CAIR WA’s press conference condemning the hearings by Representative Peter King. CAIR WA looks forward to supporting the important justice work of IPJC.
St. Mark’s Episcopal Cathedral
CAIR WA is looking forward to co-sponsoring the “Confronting Islamophobia” conference with St. Mark’s church. St. Mark’s Episcopal Church is well known as a powerful voice for justice and ecumenical relationship building. Additionally, Reverend Mesenbring spoke at the Rep. King condemnation press conference in support of the Muslim community. CAIR WA seeks more opportunities to collaborate with St. Mark’s and the Christian community.
The Central District Forum
A vibrant celebration of African American arts, the Central District Forum for the Arts and CAIR WA collaborated to put on the screening of “Prince of Slaves” at Seattle University with Ilyasah Shabazz speaking. As CD Forum puts on events related to the American Muslim experience, CAIR WA looks forward to supporting the visibility of the African American Muslims through the arts.
Legal Voice
Recently acquainted, CAIR WA and Legal Voice, a leading women’s legal rights organization, have recognized many possibilities for collaboration, including increased support for CAIR WA’s female Muslim clients, ideas for connecting to pro bono attorneys, and considering the specific civil rights issues Muslim women may face.
Asian Counseling and Referral Services
ACRS is a leader in the Northwest for counseling, wellness, and advocacy for Asian and Asian Pacific Islanders. ACRS has been a leading voice for increased access to mental health services, violence prevention, and culturally appropriate health care. CAIR WA and ACRS have both been in opposition to HB 1126 and have been worked against that bill through the ACLU’s advocacy.
Southwest Youth and Family Services
A significant number of clients that Southwest Youth and Family Services serves are Muslim, including many Somali and Iraqi families. CAIR WA and SWYFS are seeking opportunities to serve the needs of the Muslim clients at SWYFS, through Know Your Rights presentations, civil rights advocacy, and cultural sensitivity training.
CASA Latina
Casa Latina serves the local Latino American community in providing work opportunity, English language classes, and advocate for worker justice. CAIR WA is working to support Casa Latina and their Worker Defense Committee in their recent campaign to fight Wage Theft, and both participate in the Washington Immigrant Rights Coalition.
The Non Profit Assistance Center
The NAC serves local non profits in capacity building, various trainings, consultation, and building stronger non profits for social change. CAIR WA staff has gained a great deal of insight from NAC’s training and also hopes to work with NAC on issues of common concern in the social justice non profit community.